Fluxus Box
Fluxus Box (or Log) Artist Statement: The basis of this project began with an analyzation of the movie, and hence the story, of Into the Wild . I was drawn to the natural elements of the movie including: earth tones, the ebb and flow of landscapes, and the countless number of trees. Paired with the natural world, ideas of finding and recognizing the self in a clashing world of man-made materials, and the environment strongly guided my intentions for my Fluxus box. For the vessel, I decided to create a log. I took processed wood and reclaimed it into its original form—a cut tree. As the word “wood” is what a cut down and processed tree is called, I found it pertinent to recognize the idea of nature taken by man and renamed. Working in the wood shop, I cut plywood in descending sizes to eventually sand down into a rounded shape. I used a jigsaw to cut a rectang...